What's going on?

Hi Everyone! I thought we'd finally update the Colyn family blog as it has not been changed since 2006. Times are a changing.
We will try some new things to keep everyone interested and to maintain some sense of order around here. There is some social media integration for posts to be shared through Facebook, Twitter, etc. A Search function, so make sure you add labels to your posts for future reference.
Please be patient the next little while if things move around a bit, and be sure to let me know if you like or dislike whats going on.
Oh, and keep up the good posts, everyone! If you need any help logging in or posting, just contact me anytime... ~John

Tuesday, February 28, 2006


When I zoomed in I found Wimdo ????

Where's Wimdo ?

Dad and I went for a jaunt to Ucluelet last week.As I was editing my pictures and saw this one I wondered what it was of and then I knew it, so there . Can you find Wimdo?

yum yum!!!

I can't believe I let them suck on these all afternoon!!!!!!!

Sunday, February 26, 2006

new member of our family....

if only for a day.......

He has already toppled over and the rabbits have eaten his nose.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Ezra at the Beach

Hi Nic and Jonah - This is me at Botanical Beach.
I can't wait for summer so we can all go to the beach again!

Hey Nathan, I'd like to play with you soon.

bye - ezra


Darren....you don' t know how hard my heart was racing when I looked back at that first photo!!! I thought I'd do a little cropping ....maybe this will help catch the culprit. FreakY!!

2007 - Cruise

Jake and I are planning on taking our girls on a Panama Cruise next February 2007 for about 10 days. Opa and Oma Colyn are also very interested to come as well. Then we got to thinking, maybe other families would like to go along, too. We could celebrate everything from Aalysia, Aaron, and Ella graduating, to Opa's and Oma's 50th Wedding Anniversary, to ... whatever! It seems in this Colyn family that it doesn't necessarily need to be anything big to have a cause for a celebration - new cupboards, for example! So, think about it. You have one year to save money and plan if you are interested!

Friday, February 24, 2006

Beacon Hill Break In

So me and the boys went for a nice day trip to Victoria today. We went to Beacon Hill Park for a picnic and to visit the petting zoo. We even fed the seagulls pizza crusts from out of the car window.

After our time at the park we planned to go for a swim at the Juan de Fuca Rec Center. When we finally got to the pool in Colwood we realized that our backpack, with all the swimming stuff in it, had been taken from the car while we were at Beacon Hill park. I only noticed the busted door lock when we got to the pool.

We went back to Beacon Hill Park hoping the thief would have tossed the bag into the bushes when he realized there were only shorts and towels in it. As we drove back to where we were in the park we met a lady who just came to her car and found her passenger side window smashed with her orange purse stolen. While she called the cops me and the boys went searching around the park. Ezra and Samuel were carrying big sticks in case we came across the culprit.

Sure enough after a little searching we found her purse and our bag under some shrubs! The lady was thrilled as the thief didn't take any of her cards. We were happy because we could still go swimming. I realized later that he also took my CLIE (that little computer thingy of mine).

If you look real closely at the top picture you'll see a guy sitting on the rocks in the distance. My hunch is that he is the thief. He was watching us real closely while we ate lunch and we found the stuff just behind the rocks where he was sitting. Oh, if only Colin had been there.


hAPpy bIRthDAy John!!!

you're still stylin!!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Good times at Disney!

Hi everyone, we had a great time, glad to be back. Nathan is not in this picture because he is throwing up in the pretty flower garden . He was sick for a couple of days but was a trooper and went on all the rides. Looks like we missed a great party for Henk, ...the rest of our cabinets came in while we were gone...we could celebrate that!!!

safe and sound

so happy that you are home....safe and sound!!
look forward to all the stories!

Birthday, Anniversary and Homecoming

Well, this is my first entry since I got home from the hospital. Feeling pretty good. Only two more weeks until I am allowed to drive again. Can't wait.

Anyways, just wanted to wish Henk a Happy Belated Birthday. Are you still having a party on Friday, because I could probably make it? Let me know Ha Ha. Maybe you haven't recuperated from last weekend yet.

Happy 20th Anniversary to Jacqueline and Anthony. Imagine 20 years ago how excited you were to get married. If we only knew then what we know now. We'd probably still marry them right?

And welcome home to the Disneyland travellers. Hope you had a great time. Can't wait to see pictures and hear all about it from the kids.

Take care everyone.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Happy Birthday Henk

Funny how you were all lit up at your 5th birthday too.

Monday, February 20, 2006

A few more photos . . .

Henk and the boys . . . those $1 shot glasses sure got these guys going!

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Toot Toot ! ! !

Happy Birthday Henky!!

Surprise birthday party for baby brother....
rental clubhouse $25

One bottle of VQ + one dozen
Dollar store shot glasses
$45 + $1 = $46

Passing the torch....


Heli Good

We took a short cut and went to Cypress Bowl ski park and John took this shot of Dad and me just before our 4 hr. heli tour of the mountains with the Kokannee Womens ski team.We got stuck up on the mountain for hours with those poor girls ...blah ...blah ...blah...you know the rest of the story.

Henk's Nativity Set

We had a great time at Henk's party, thank you Rachel and your friends for all the planning, food, small shot glasses etc.
I also understand that the torch has been officially passed on.
Long live the torch bearer!!

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Black Dress Coat Missing!

Hey everyone!
At Oma's 70th Birthday Party I lost my coat, its Fairweather, fingertip-length, black wool with 6 buttons down the front and kind of dressy.
So if anyone has any idea where it might be please let me know I would love to get it back, as I had just got it.
Oh the last time I saw it was at Auntie Helle's House so maybe by mistake it was picked up by someone else, and could be in someones car.
Thanks Simone:) ( it looks alot like the picture but with a different collar and its black)

Thursday, February 16, 2006


All good things must come to an end.
I've turned another page in my life and sold my big hydroseeder.
Hey, anyone interested in a small one?

Monday, February 13, 2006


hApPy BirThdAy Aliza!!
I was about to post something for you and then came across an e-mail from Colin wanting me to help him post these.......awe so sweet!!

Have a wonderful time in Disney land! Maybe you can track down our gladiator men of 1989?


I know y'all love me........
We are leaving for Disneyland tomorrow, the kids don't know yet. But Colin and I are sooo
excited we can hardly sleep. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK. So Happy Birthday Henky Baby. We return on the 22nd. We will say hi to Mickey for everyone.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

I 5 Rides

Had to include this '65 ? Corvette, it had a 427 badge on fender, guy driving had a cell headset on.And on the way there we saw this cool red hotrod is it a '32 ?

Deja "Vintage rust bucket in garden" vu

Henk and I went to the flower show on Friday in Seattle and as I was clearing my pics off the camera I said to myself, hey where did I see that before? The top picture is on the logging road where dad and I saw the Helicopter and the bottom one is from the flower show. Or is it the other way around?

I love Lucy

Dad and I went to the hills today to see the big helicopters.The crew let us in their lunch trailer while the helicopter landed.We met Jeff Van den Hoorn there, he works as a mechanic or something.
Later Dad and I had a chance to see the big beast close up while they refueled it.After it was all looked over and fueled up we saw it take off.
When we were back on the road dad reminded me that he had forgotten his ear piece, boy! what a racket and the helicopter was loud too.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Happy Birthday Cor!

To Corrie her glass is always half full. We love you. Have a great day.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Hyster-Sister !!

Hella is doing fine and can be visited in room 2807 anytime, 2pm-8pm.
She has a nice room mate and is thankful for all of the prayers and support she has from all of you.
A big thank you to everyone, especially to Yvonne for the flowers and gift.
She hopes to be home Friday or Saterday if everything goes well.
Willem and the girls.


Hoping that you have a speady recovery Helle!!!
We are thinking about you
and will pray that
you are up and at it as soon as possible!
take care!

Superbowl Fun!

Ally and Anna taking in the Superbowl action at Aunty Yvonne's!
Thanks John and Yvonne.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Henk's Birthday Bash

Hi I'm Henky, And I'm Turning 30 years old. Do you want to play with me.

This is an official invitation to all those who would like to brave the ferry and drink to Henk's 30th.
We will post all the details soon, but a heads up for Friday February 24th, at our house. Hope you can make it, you old geezers.


Happy Birthday Mom!!

Get up Darren, seriously get up, Mom's coming!!!! Donations to repair the toilet at the Hansen Hall can be made to the Duncan CRC.

Great Weekend everyone.

Henk and Rachel

Friday, February 03, 2006

Need more pics...

Jake & Anthony & Al..
I need photo's of Mom with your kids..
This is for the presentation tomorrow night.
Get them to me by noon if you want them included..

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Souper Bowl Party Sunday >>

OK.. Here goes.
Everyone's invited to watch the game at
our house this Sunday..
Bring your own drinks if you wish..
Appies are appreciated.
Game starts at 3:00 but you're more
than welcome to come early for a good seat..
(Out of towners especially welcome)
Yvonne & John

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Hi all... Re; Mom's pics

You don't need to post the pics on the blog,
just email me directly at jpcolyn@telus.net

Oma and her kids and or grandkids

Could everyone e-mail John a nice picture of mom and themselves or oma and each of your kids. We want to put something together and would like some nice pictures. Thanks.