What's going on?

Hi Everyone! I thought we'd finally update the Colyn family blog as it has not been changed since 2006. Times are a changing.
We will try some new things to keep everyone interested and to maintain some sense of order around here. There is some social media integration for posts to be shared through Facebook, Twitter, etc. A Search function, so make sure you add labels to your posts for future reference.
Please be patient the next little while if things move around a bit, and be sure to let me know if you like or dislike whats going on.
Oh, and keep up the good posts, everyone! If you need any help logging in or posting, just contact me anytime... ~John

Friday, December 29, 2006

Happy Birthday baby!!

The first time driving a tractor for both Ed and William !! The trailor they are pulling has 9 kids in it. Happy Birthday Ed !!


Thursday, December 28, 2006

21 and counting..

Congratulations Hella & Willem!

Happy anniversary, lifes a beach !

Can you believe it 21 years already, how does she put up with me ?

I love you baby!


looking for a caption.....can anyone help??

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Clark, that's guuuud eatin...

Crassostrea gigas
Japanese Oyster, Pacific Oyster, Miyagi Oyster

Friday, December 22, 2006

One eyed Oyster catchers winter migration.

Thursday Dec.28
Low tide @ 1:30 pm

Friday Dec.29
Low tide @ 2:30 pm

Just like last year let us continue to try to gastronomically one up each other again.

I personnally will be bringing 2 samplings of lumpfish caviar (no not for baiting the traps),
king crab legs (no I do not recommend Dad come in his speedo) and a selection of international ales and pilsners for seafood pairing.

The Van/Vic/Duncan Handi dart bus should arrive in Port for departure by at least 10 am. either day .

F 250 Limo's are on stand by....Get yo'mothers shucker to Port. Let's do this!!!!!!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Kiara was tidying up her room the other day and noticed that she is missing a few Junie B. Jones books by Barbara Park. She has lent books before to Sara and Marina specifically and is wondering of either 'cuz still has one or more of the books. Titles missing are:
- "..the Stupid Smelly Bus"
- "A Little Monkey Business"
- "Almost a Flower Girl"
- "...is a Graduation Girl"
If you find any of them, please hold on to them and Kiara can get them back at New Years. Thanks.

The other day I was at Quality Foods to pick up a few groceries and had a little chuckle as I was going towards the front door - outside the store they have a multi-tiered bench loaded with bunches of greens for $3.99 a bunch - and only a few branches per bunch. This might sell in the middle of a big city, but here in Port Alberni you can drive down any road at the moment and find "windfall" EVERYWHERE ! Something tells me Quality Foods aren't going to sell too many bunches.

We are looking forward to New Year's in Victoria! Thanks Anthony and Jacquie and Simone and Marina and Jonah for opening your home - and new "dance floor" patio - to all of us this year. Let us know what you have in mind for overnight accomodations. Also, are the girls going for a New Year's Day Brunch somewhere? Let us know the details for the evening and what everyone is to bring. Thanks.

Merry Christmas to everyone!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Maestro Drummer Boy

Ezra had a big week this week. On Monday he had his first piano recital. He played Jingle Bells on his own and here he is playing a duet of Jolly Old St. Nicholas with his teacher.

Below is his classes' offering at the Duncan Christian School Christmas production. They did a pretty wild rendition of Little Drummer Boy.

Anna Maria

Here is Anna in the role of "Mary" in Wind & Tide Christmas Play 2006!
We are so proud of her, she nailed her lines and didn't let a nasty cough slow her down. "Joseph" did a good job too.

Can't wait to see you all soon

Merry Christmas

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Beach Competition

Hi Guys, I'm looking forward to our get together next week. I
have an idea for a bit of a competition on the beach. So if y'all could bring
$5 which will be given to the winner of the event. Don't worry it doesn't involve
any strenuous activity - unless you consider lifting a glass strenuous.

Willy, what's the tide schedule like? I need to be back in Duncan Friday night
so hopefully there is an early low tide so I can get back.

Monday, December 18, 2006


Ally and William were in their first nativity play on Saturday. It was so sweet to watch! They all sang so well!! At one point Mary and Joseph were really fighting / elbowing eachother as they both wanted to be in front of the microphone. In the process of squabbling they kept on dropping baby Jesus onto the floor.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Thursday, December 14, 2006

ome Piet says hi........

I was just showing Ome piet the damage done in Port Alberni, he is quite impressed with our blog and wanted to be on it......... Oh yeah by the way, do you really think that the weather is just some coincidence or is it a sign of the times ,,,, of the last times.....!

"These are things that have never happened before, So severe and frequent." says one tv reporter from Victoria.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Deal or No Deal

Well as some of you may know we have had our house on the market for quite a while now.....
Last week we did receive an offer..............
Which we accepted.........
Today was the subject removal date........

However unfortunately i must say that the deal did not go through...... for many different reasons. I must say that it has not been a good experience, very invasive and personal. However we now have an unequivocal twice verified independant assessed value of our home. We are not sure what we will do now because our deal on the other place also fell through today.

Anyways Trudy is currently looking through kitchen magazines, to cash in on my offer to redo the kitchen in the summer in the event that our house does not sell by the spring. I think we might be staying put for a while.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


No more diapers for this guy!!!

Here is William in his big boy pants.....totally appreciating the freedom!!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Toquart Dreamin'

Hi y'all. In a recent blog
I said that Friday (Dec. 29th) would be the best day for
Toquart but I am wondering if Thursday (or another day) would
work for everyone? I forgot about a prior engagement
we had on the 29th. I understand though if Friday is the only option.

Let's talk.

Here are some of our pictures in the snow. Our 7 foot snowman had two hyacinth bulbs for eyes and crocus bulbs for buttons, I can't plant them so we had to use them somehow.

I took the snowball from Anna in the face for the picture of her throwing it, she's got game that kid.

See you all soon

Henk and family

Monday, December 04, 2006

Merry Christmas

We went to my work Christmas Party yesterday . . . Anna enjoyed the Santa experience, but Thomas was not impressed and refused to be in the same room, which is why we don't have a photo of him!

Hope you are all well and looking forward to seeing you all in Victoria!

One Hella-va Hairdoo

Happy Birthday Hella. I thought I'd put a
flattering pic of you on the blog to show
all the Danes what you look like with
your hair down...I mean up...I mean frizzled.

The Colyn Family Blog

Happy B-day Auntie Hella. Noone put up a post yet so i thought i would.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Snow at the "Old Homestead"

Wow - did we ever get a lot of snow last Wednesday night! Aalysia had her first experience driving in the snow. Emma had her scooter out driving in the snow with a sled behind. Kiara had fun playing with Sara in the snow. Here is a picture that Aalysia took overlooking the pond. Also, a picture of Jake's snow removal unit - a rototiller by Spring, a snow remover by Winter!

Fishin' Musician..

David is becoming a real angler.
He just caught an 8 lb steelhead
with Curtis Leyenaar on the Sproat river

Saturday, December 02, 2006


Here is what the dump looked like in Comox. I haven't driven the van since Wednesday, hope that rain comes soon so we don't have to shove it out!

Yes those would be bunny tracks under the picnic table.

Friday, December 01, 2006

So how bad was the snow?

Hella, here is a pic of how bad things got here. This is
how dad is getting around now. Crazy eh?