What's going on?

Hi Everyone! I thought we'd finally update the Colyn family blog as it has not been changed since 2006. Times are a changing.
We will try some new things to keep everyone interested and to maintain some sense of order around here. There is some social media integration for posts to be shared through Facebook, Twitter, etc. A Search function, so make sure you add labels to your posts for future reference.
Please be patient the next little while if things move around a bit, and be sure to let me know if you like or dislike whats going on.
Oh, and keep up the good posts, everyone! If you need any help logging in or posting, just contact me anytime... ~John

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Our little Pumkin (and Queen!)

Just a sneak peak of the kids rehearsing for tomorrow night!!

Get a ladder...

Ok the story must be told by the actual witnesses. I'll make it short, you can fill in the dialogue between Oma and Opa and the final decision that got him on the roof. Mom and Dad heading out for the evening, around 5:30, but Dad locks the door before mom has her keys. For the next hour and a half Dad tries all the windows and doors on the bottom floor, then HE decides to put a small wooden ladder on top of a crate that just barely fits the ladder and hoists himself on the roof. (all the time making sure mom holds it steady......"is it steady Alice, don't let it wiggle" Mom previously tells Dad there are no windows open on that side of the house so don't bother going up, but one must see for himself. Dad is now too worried to come down and it is completely dark out. Mom finds the keys to the old white van, drives to Johns house and asks John to come and help, she also calls me because last year I got a key cut to their house and had her hide it outside. She hoped I still had it. I come to assist and find Oma still holding the ladder and Opa's dark figure peering through the patio "skylight". After much convincing and stern direction we finally get Opa to slide his body over the edge and naviagte his legs back to the ladder. John arrives and gets the big ladder and climbs into the bedroom window that was open. Dad had removed the "hidden key" from outside, he didn't feel it was well hidden. he would find a better place........ in the kitchen. All is well and there will be new keys cut and hidden well.

"Up on the Roof Top ..."

A couple of years ago, George Flint - owner of the Dairy Queen, sat on the roof of the Dairy Queen for a couple of days promoting the sales of D.Q.'s newest treat - the MudSlide. This past Spring, various members of the Fire Department took turns to sit on the roof of Walmart for a weekend to promote donations to Muscular Dystrophy. And now word has it that Opa was up on his roof this past weekend, but no one seems to be clear as to ... WHY !?

Saturday, October 29, 2005


after a fine feast of assorted meats the lovers retired to the chambers to feast on passion and to drink deeply from the chalice of lust

can you see the difference

although siamese twins weezie and weezu are rarely seen in public it can be seen here that they are doing fine. After many attempts to seperate the two girls doctors have decided not to proceed with the operation due to the factof them sharing one brain.... a small one at that.

da boyz at da rijst tafel

trudy and her gyn


Exibit 1 here will is showing off the contents of his mouth, I do believe that is a gastly mixture of hard boiled rooster eggs and again roosterliver wrapped in rooster bacon, John wisely stands away from the horrid septic odor wafting froms wills open orrifice

rijst tafel

What an outfit!

It was great to see Ella and Aalysia playing field hockey here in Duncan. Your uniforms were pretty impressive; I can't say the same for Willy's pants. Maybe he can pick up some new ones in Holland.

Friday, October 28, 2005

When Dad was away...

Dad was away in Vancouver when Henk and I took his chainsaw and camera for this creative photo shoot. I think Henk was compensating for something.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Red China (Regina)

When Ed's sister Mary was 8 years old and was told that their family would be moving from Toronto to Regina, she thought that she heard "Red China" and called it that for many years to follow. We are leaving tomorrow for Regina to visit them and we'll be back on Monday. Hoping to see all the Halloween costumes online next week!! Meanwhile you can waste more time and check out this link (Ed's sisters' site) www.maryference.com

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Yeah, Bulldogs won!

We just got back from the game. Good one at that. The bulldogs beat Victoria Salsa 5-1. Sorry Anthony and Jacqueline, but what can we say. Port Alberni rocks. At least when it comes to hockey.

I haven't been on here for a while, but I just love that you are all adding to this blog. It is so neat that we can just check in on the family whenever we miss them. I love the pictures and the comments. I think it is great. Thanks again to Corrie and John for getting it started.

Glad to hear that you all had a good time at the rice tafel. Sorry I missed it. Next time hopefully it won't conflict with my weekend away. (which was great by the way) Sorry I missed you, Jacqueline. Hope the house was in good order when you arrived, I kind of forgot you were coming until I had already left.

Glad that the kids are finally back in school. I think the kids are glad too. Ella is in a field hockey tournament starting Thursday in Duncan. She would love if a certain auntie and uncle would come and cheer her on. Further info on where and what time will follow when a schedule comes home. I will be coming along as a chaperone, so Darren and Treena, we will be calling you.

Bye for now. Have a good week everyone.

Fun with a shopvac

With all the renovations we finally bought a shopvac.......and, well it didn't even get out of the van before this great idea came up. I haven't laughed so hard in a long time. We had to put a stop to it before Nathans face ripped off. Good Dental pictures though.

Monday, October 24, 2005

A Blogger Success Story!

Just wanted to say hello to you all and let you know that we got the missing fairy (found under Dave's bed!) and my cardigan back. Thanks for finding them for us:) This photo was taken this past weekend at a pumpkin patch. It was a bit of a mud hole with a limited selection of rotting pumpkins, but Anna had fun squelching in the mud! Bye for now . . ..

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Where Do all the flowers go?

Being in the flower business, the flowers just seem to pass through our hands, but every now and then they stand still long enough to take a picture. Here are a some of the arrangements I made this summer in a couple of flower competitions. I really enjoy the opportunity of creativity they afford. It is really unique to be in a business that we intuitively do well.

Thank you all for the nice 'rice tafel' evening, it was good to see you all there.

Saturday, October 22, 2005


Pardon me if the blog is strictly a social venue… but if anyone is interested I’m starting to sell toxin-free household products from a company called Melaleuca. I’ve been buying cleaning products, laundry detergent, and soaps from them for half a year now and I’m so pleased with them. If you’ve ever looked into buying organic cleaners you’ve discovered that they sometimes cost as much as double or triple the price. I have found Melaleuca’s products to be the same price as regular products or less. They work great and best of all are very safe. I recently watched a CBC Marketplace segment on toxins in household products and was surprised to hear that unlike in Europe, the Canadian government admits to putting no controls whatsoever on what is in household products – in other words, don’t assume that because a product is on every grocery store shelf in your city that it is actually safe to use around your kids. For example, many laundry detergents contain exenoestrogens and formaldehyde which are absorbed directly into your skin through daily contact with your clothes/bedding. Windex is actually a regulated substance when used in workplace settings. But I’m sure you’ve all heard all of this before. The real proof is in the pudding… in this case: Darren’s once irritated back going smooth as a baby’s bottom (okay we don’t really know if it was from the detergent but the timing seems more than coincidental…). So if anyone is interested just let me know.

Friday, October 21, 2005


If anyone has found a little fairy finger puppet lost at Thanksgiving, there is one 3 year girl who would be delighted to have it back! If you have it, please could you try and get it to Al and Trudy this weekend! Also, I lost a black cardigan (Gap) the same weekend and would be very happy if someone has found that too!

Thanks and enjoy the rice feast, it sounds like a blast!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Rice Tafel

A reminder to all of the family who are going to the Rice Tafel at the Old Dutch Inn in Parksville: - it is this Saturday October 22, and our seating is for 7:30 p.m. If you are planning to leave your children at our home with Aalysia, Emma, and Kiara, please let us know. So far we know that Aliza's children are coming. If anyone wants to carpool from Port Alberni, let us know. So far we know that Opa and Oma are coming with us. Thanks. See you there! Oh, and remember to starve all day so that you can feast all night!

Monday, October 17, 2005

Help me!

Here he is Aliza. Although, his name has been changed to Dasher because Ezra says he dashes really fast. He's only a few weeks old but is quite wild and crazy.

We got him from some farmer friends of ours who said their vet would be willing to snip him in a few weeks. I think that should calm him down. It seemed to work on Willem and John.

I got Soul but I'm not a Soldier

Nathan and Ezra gettin down last winter. We would like to see a picture of the new member of the family. where is Moses?

Friday, October 14, 2005

Bush is dead!

Just thought you guys would like to know about this tragic turn of events.

Rumor Has It

Well, Willem and I are off to the theatre. Pretty up town, eh? We are going with Mom and Yvonne. It is supposed to be a great play and we are looking forward to it. I think Jake and Mitzie have seen it. At least that is what Kiara said.We'll let you know what it was like when we get home.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

thanksgiving belly

Yvonne and John...... thanks for hosting the whole clan!! (minus Al of course). The food was fantastic! Jacqueline could you post your Donna Hay hit?

Day pass

Out for the day with the other patients, Durwood finds a brief bit of joy, a glimer of hope, yes one might say he found "Unexpected Richness" Keep going buddy you're doing great.

Thanks for the Great Dinner!

Thanks John and Yvonne for hosting us all - The turkey was delicious but I think Thomas had a little too much tryptophan in his system!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


Friday night Mom, Hella, and I are going to see the play rumors. If anyone wants to join us yet get yourself a ticket.
Hella I also got you signed up for the cooking class. And we all thought you hated to cook!
The total oweing is Hella - $31.68 and Mom - $12.42.
Have a great day!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

victoriacolyns are on

Thanks John, this is such a wonderful way to stay in touch. I know this is going to be a big hit with our kids.

Here we are at the 'run for the cure' in honor of Jacqueline's sister Christine. She is doing quite well considering she has an agressive type of cancer. We try to help and encourage her as much as we can.

I think I need some kind of cure for my hair.

As you know, I love pictures and I have lots so look out,' they're a coming now".

Before and After

This is Sara before and after the 'big cut'. She is really loving having short hair and is even interested in making it look nice every morning. She is even using a curling iron to fip the bottom. My little girl is growing up.

Monday, October 10, 2005

The Colyn Van Gogh

The scene of a crime. Ladies and gentlemen, what you have before you is an undeniable example of some of the "unknown" acts that go on during a Colyn family get together. In the case examined above the culprit has obviously decided that human excrement would be the perfect hue to match a beatiful bathroom canvas. When a witness discovered the scene he informed fellow family members immediately, he has since denied a statement.


Friday, October 07, 2005

Dinner Time Change

Darren and Treena will not get here until at least 2:00 so I have changed dinner time to 2:30.Keep in mind that there will be about 40 of us so make your portions big.
If you have portable chairs you can bring that would be helpful. Maybe a little extra cutlery
would also come in handy.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

What to bring to dinner!

I've spoken to a few of you already what to bring. the rest of you here's a list.
Hella-potatoes Jackie- veggie Henk- buns & cranberry sauce Darren- veggie
and if Pete & Anita join us could Hella ask them to bring a salad.
I'll do the turkey, ham, stuffing & gravy

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

big brother Jake

Hello from Lamarque Road

Well, I don't have any recent pictures so I thought I would just do an update. Sara has now got short hair. I will post a picture later. She looks a little bit like Reese Witherspoon. As she is not used to her short hair, she is constantly swinging her head and playing with it. Ella is very busy these days with school and homework and also with Field hockey. She did have a game in Duncan a few weeks ago, but Darren and Treena were over for Rachel's birthday. Maybe there will be another. I will keep you posted. There is one coming up in Courtney, so, Corrie I will let you know when that is and you can come and watch and visit. Aalysia is also on the team. Amy and Sara are both playing the clarinet in band and Amy has joined stage band at school which requires her to be at the school every Wednesday and Friday at 7:35. Well that is not the easiest thing for me to do as I don't like to get up that early, but we carpool with a neighbor so it's only once a week. Thank goodness. Anyways, that is about all the updates for now. Looking forwards to seeing everyone on the weekend for Yvonne's wonderful turkey. Yipee.


Henk or Thomas? Is he wearing tights??

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Kitchen deconstruction...phase one

Yes, we have begun yet another project. Not sure what we are doing exactly but the floor is off and nice wood underneath. Currently pricing out kitchens and countertops$$$$. Colin got some sweet blisters taking off that blue tile. Thought I would attach a few pictures of the finished floors for those new bloggers.

Hair today, gone tomorrow.......

Way to go Joel and Sara. Finally we can see all of Joel now, and we can't stop rubbing his head. We all had a great time with the Tour de Rock, thanks to everyone who came out and showed their support.