What's going on?

Hi Everyone! I thought we'd finally update the Colyn family blog as it has not been changed since 2006. Times are a changing.
We will try some new things to keep everyone interested and to maintain some sense of order around here. There is some social media integration for posts to be shared through Facebook, Twitter, etc. A Search function, so make sure you add labels to your posts for future reference.
Please be patient the next little while if things move around a bit, and be sure to let me know if you like or dislike whats going on.
Oh, and keep up the good posts, everyone! If you need any help logging in or posting, just contact me anytime... ~John

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Colyn Women Unite !

Here they are - the Port Alberni Swimsuit Pin-up Girls! Great race ladies. Maybe all the Colyn women could enter some race at a later date to do together - that would be fun ... are you up for it Oma? Colyn women unite!
About Opa's Birthday - we could have it at our home. Let us know what everyone decides. We are OK with whatever the majority decides.
We are off to Holland tomorrow - yippee! We will be back the evening of June 7. Talk to you then.


Sunday, May 28, 2006

way to go girls!!

You both look like it took no effort....wow!!

Thanks for coming all of you !

It's over

Well, the race is done. They both did great. We were all very proud of them. They were the first girls out of the pool. They had a really great swim. Even passed a few people. Their bike ride was a little slower as was their run, but they came over the finish line with a huge smile and still looked alive. Great job girls. Here are a few pictures. These are the best ones we have. Corrie, Colin or Aalysia may have better. They still look good at the end don't you think?

The Big Race

Yeah, I was finally able to log on to the blog. And I did it all by myself. Woohoo

Anyways, just wanted to wish Ella and Aliza luck today for their big race. Just checked the weather. Not expecting sunshine. Too bad.

Will post a picture of the two later. Maybe a before and after picture.

See you in Comox. (The ones who will be there)

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Hey y'all, I am just needing a head count for this Sunday afternoon BBQ at our place. It would help lots if each family would bring a salad or dessert along. Could you post if you are coming and what you would like to bring. We will take care of the BBQ stuff....either burgers or Lola's yummy skewers. Thanks!!

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Zwaarte Jacob - After the Flood

Jake is now on the home stretch with the tile floor. What a job! Everywhere you look it is ... BLACK (well, except his hair - it is still grey)! Jake is in the process of grouting himself into a corner. We will have everyone over later in June to see the finished product.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Ezra's Birthday Blog

For some reason my draft blog for Ezra's BDay is posted on the day I designed it - scan below to see our 6 year old in all his glory.

Happy Belated Birthday Darren

The Colyn Brothers!
One year ago we were in Chicago.
Happy Birthday Darren.
Hope you had a good one.
J ake.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Thursday, May 18, 2006


Today Ally is Four and this week she found a four leafed clover.

Happy birthday sweetheart!!!

We love you so much!!


Today Ally is 4 and this week she found a four leafed clover.

Happy Birthday Sweetheart!!

We love you so much!

California Dreaming..

With the Canadian dollar doing a
bit better, I figured we could bring up
a few plants up from California.
Nice stuff, makes you feel like
your in the tropics already...
or is it just the heat?

happy birthday ezra

we love you

- mama, papa and samuel

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mothers day!!

patient, kind, loving, peaceful, determined, funny, witty, social, coy, hardworking, resilient, giving, forgiving
thank you mom for all you have done for us as a mother!! I remember things like regular routine at home, always dinner on the table, always tea after school, lifesavers and a quarter on the counter for church on Sunday, I remember the way our house smelled when we'd come home from church.....coffee brewing and gebukje op de table......along with smells of roast beef in the oven, thankyou for making burgers for the boys on Saturdays and for taking us kids to Mcdonalds and swimming. Thank you for teaching us how to work hard and how to serve others! For teaching us to trust in the Lord!
You are one in a million!! Amazing!!
I love you

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Van Noort's Finest

Here is dad showing off some prize tulips.
There must be something in that artesian well water.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Spring at Colyn's Nursery

Here's a couple of shots of the goings on at the
garden centre this week as we prepare for mother's day..
Sometimes you have to step back and feel that what you're doing
is good for people in some way.
It's very hard to be an independant nursery
in this day and age with the institutionalizing of retail,
so to everyone out there who has to make a
living on his own, here's to you..
Also, If any family member would like
one of our beautiful home grown
hanging basket, drop by the store
and I'll give you one..

When I smell this...

Samuel came up to me today holding
this licorice (dropje) scented marker and said,

"When I smell this I think of Oma's house."

Up for hire!

Monday, May 08, 2006


It's Aalysia, I got a job at WAL-MART as a cashier!


Long story short......it's lovely here!!!
We'll tell you the whole story when we get back!!!

We're back!!

So nice to be home again!!!
Hawaii is so cool!
Just kidding!!
I've just taken a bit of a phone hiatus Aliza.

We are wondering if everyone would like to come to our place after Aliza and Ella's big race on the 28th. We are planning to have an afternoon BBQ....and hope you'd come!

Sunday, May 07, 2006


I usually talk to Corrie about 10x a week, but haven't heard from her since last week. Now we can use this blog as a missing persons bulletin.
Colin heard there was a complaint in the foxwwood area of a crazed blonde woman with a machete chopping innocent baby bunnies.
Corrie where are you?

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Not so lucky rabbit's feet..

Corrie, I figured a solution to your
bunny problem.
Give me a call sometime to try out
this totally organic all natural
pest control.
This also works on stray cats, mailmen
and unwanted houseguests..

Happy Birthday Hanna!

Happy Birthday Hanna Bannana! We love you. (April 26th)

Monday, May 01, 2006

Alberni Valley Track and Field Club

  • Carina has joined the track club and had her first meet in Victoria a few weeks ago. They encourage the kids to try all events. Its was a long day and Nathan enjoyed his fudgcicle right to the end. We honked when we drove past Ezra's house, did ya hear us?