What's going on?

Hi Everyone! I thought we'd finally update the Colyn family blog as it has not been changed since 2006. Times are a changing.
We will try some new things to keep everyone interested and to maintain some sense of order around here. There is some social media integration for posts to be shared through Facebook, Twitter, etc. A Search function, so make sure you add labels to your posts for future reference.
Please be patient the next little while if things move around a bit, and be sure to let me know if you like or dislike whats going on.
Oh, and keep up the good posts, everyone! If you need any help logging in or posting, just contact me anytime... ~John

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Trick or Treat?

Align Left

Hot dogs, cupcakes, trick or treating and fireworks . . . what more could a kid want??!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Number two nice things..

An exemplary usage of natural materials
including apple, corn, grape and house pet,
This seasonal bold statement of fall tones
mixed with the hues of autumn,
would add grace to even the most worthy king's table..

Monday, October 19, 2009

two nice things....

This is perhaps the best arrangement i have ever made. 50 gardenia blooms and exclusively gardenia leaves and buds.
Who is the fastest Grade 7 boy in all of Langley you ask? That would be the First place medal around his neck. Well done Nick!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Champagne swishes and Oyster Dreams

Oysterfest 09 is coming soon to a gullet near you.
Can't wait to see you all there - love and kisses! Helle
(A friend of mine found this in the Westcoaster paper from last year!)

Monday, October 05, 2009

What's so funny

Can any one guess why these guys are laughing so hard? Can anyone tell where they are?
There is a secret prize for the two correct answers...

Friday, October 02, 2009

October 1 in Langley

While picking Weigilia today i had some company come by.
Simon had "Tell 2V" day, He had a Soccer Shop set up for business in his class.
+++O R A N J E B O V E N !!! Mint shoes Dude!!!

Our new lab "Diesel" has found a new "drive through" restaurant.. He is so good We don't have to rinse beforehand any more.