What's going on?

Hi Everyone! I thought we'd finally update the Colyn family blog as it has not been changed since 2006. Times are a changing.
We will try some new things to keep everyone interested and to maintain some sense of order around here. There is some social media integration for posts to be shared through Facebook, Twitter, etc. A Search function, so make sure you add labels to your posts for future reference.
Please be patient the next little while if things move around a bit, and be sure to let me know if you like or dislike whats going on.
Oh, and keep up the good posts, everyone! If you need any help logging in or posting, just contact me anytime... ~John

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Colin catches another bad guy.

The excitement never ends in Port Alberni.
Today just as I was leaving to pick up the kids from school,
I heard a truck coming down the road very fast. Wheels
screeching he takes the corner just past our house,
crashes into a parked car, swerves to the other side
of the road and crashes into another truck. He then
continues to speed down the road. Colin and his dad,
who were working on the house, run out, jump into the
truck and with the help of many observers coming out
of their houses track him down a block away. Colin
entered the house, showed his badge and waited for the
on duty police to arrive. The guy was about 17 and
seemed to be a real angry dude. The scary part of all
this is we fianlly decided that our kids could walk
home from school. Now I'm back to being an
overprotective mom.

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