What's going on?

Hi Everyone! I thought we'd finally update the Colyn family blog as it has not been changed since 2006. Times are a changing.
We will try some new things to keep everyone interested and to maintain some sense of order around here. There is some social media integration for posts to be shared through Facebook, Twitter, etc. A Search function, so make sure you add labels to your posts for future reference.
Please be patient the next little while if things move around a bit, and be sure to let me know if you like or dislike whats going on.
Oh, and keep up the good posts, everyone! If you need any help logging in or posting, just contact me anytime... ~John

Monday, June 13, 2011

Stella Maria Colyn

Hello Everyone! We came to the hospital Monday morning for some tests to check on the baby and six hours later there she was - all 9.1 lbs of her! Treena and Stella are doing great and we can't wait for everyone to meet her. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers.

Love DTES&S!!!!!!


  1. Congratulations ... your little bundle of "pink"! Lambs, bunnies, baby ... wow, you have a fun little Hobby Farm there in Lantzville. We are excited to meet baby Stella!

  2. so very exciting !! congratulations!
    love her beautiful name!!
